Salt and Pepper Shakers

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers

Today was spent going through my vast collection of salt and pepper shakers and placing some on ebay, I must admit some of these are hard to part with.  Todays vintage salt and pepper shakers include a camel holding saddle bags, birds hanging from a tree and a cool donkey milk jug carrying packs for salt  and pepper.  These are currently in our ebay store and if you like salt and pepper shakes please see out collection.

Cheers Retro Chick

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers

Vintage Salt and Pepper Sets

If you are looking for something to collect, vintage salt and pepper shakers are a great option.  They come in a wide range of different objects, colours and textures.  They are still very affordable, easy to display and don't take up a lot of space.

I recently acquired over 250 sets of Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers through a deceased estate.  They are all wonderful pieces including some absolutely exquisite items from the 40s and 50s all the way through to the 60s and 70s .  Needless to say I'll be featuring salt and pepper shakers in a few more blog posts.  My task for this weekend was to choose the first 20 sets to head to Waverley Antique Bazaar.  This was actually harder to do than it sounds as I'm starting to become quite attached to many of them.  So if you are looking for something to collect - try vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers.

Enjoy Retro Chick

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers

Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers